About the Oncological Dispansery

State Autonomous Institution of Health «Republican Clinical Oncological Dispansery of the Ministry of Health, the Republic of Tatarstan» (the RCOD MH RT) is one of the largest medical institutions in the Republic of Tatarstan. The health center is located in a scenic area of Kazan on the bank of the Kazanka River.
The Republican Clinical Oncological Dispansery is a leading advanced treatment and preventive center that manages the oncological service of the Republic of Tatarstan, supervising the methodological, organizational, preventive, diagnostic and treatment health services in the Republic of Tatarstan in order to improve oncological care for the population.
The RCOD MH RT has its own developments in the field of epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, treatment of malignancy, rehabilitation and palliative care for cancer patients. 17 doctors of medical sciences (of which 16 are professors), 77 candidates of medical sciences, 5 laureates of the Government Prize of the Russian Federation, 11 laureates of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan are employed in the dispensary. There are 1072 beds in the dispensary which are disposed in 23 clinical units. There are 24 surgery tables in the surgery block, where every day up to 70 surgeries are performed for patients with tumors. Every year 30,000 patients receive specialized in-patient medical care at the health center of the dispensary. Beyond that the dispensary has laboratories equipped with high-class medical facilities. There are four clinics visited by 337,200 patients per year, an emergency palliative care service for cancer patients, 4 reference centers based on an immunohistochemical laboratory, and a molecular genetic laboratory to assess X-ray mammograms for medical institutions of the Volga Federal District and the Republic of Tatarstan. The RCOD MH RT is a regional dispensary for the Volga Federal District, with a population of over 30 million people. On the basis of the RCOD MH RT, there are 9 departments of the Kazan State Medical Academy and the Kazan State Medical University, the Volga branch of the FBPHF ROSC named after N.N.Blokhin, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Association of Oncological Institutions of the Volga Federal District. The dispensary is a member of the European Association of Cancer Institutions (OECI), which has united more than 70 leading European Cancer Institutes.