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Medical tourism

Главная / Medical tourism

AUHCI «Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan» is the leading specialized medical and preventive institution that organize and provide oncological services in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The mission of the RCOD MH RT is to organize and provide specialized innovative oncological care to the population considering patient particularities.

        Every patient is important to us!

RCOD MH RT has its own developments in epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, treatment of malignancies, rehabilitation and palliative therapy of cancer patients.

The dispensary employs 17 doctors of medical sciences (of which 16 are professors), 77 candidates of medical sciences, 5 laureates of the Government Prize of the Russian Federation, 11 laureates of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan.

       Diagnostic Service

World-class integrated equipment allows you to carry out the full range of examinations required by the patient from ultrasound to positron emission tomography. Specialists of radiation diagnostics of RCOD MH RT are unique experts, who draw up a complete picture of the disease based on a variety of research.


Kazan Oncological Surgical School is rightfully considered as one of the leading oncological schools in the Russian Federation. Unique specialists known far beyond the borders of the Republic of Tatarstan apply their skills and abilities to preserve your health. In RCOD MH RT, the most complex surgeries are performed, allowing patients to return to their relatives and friends as soon as possible.

        Chemotherapy service

Each patient’s treatment is a unique process. The capabilities of our molecular genetic laboratory allow us to provide personal assistance to each patient, taking into account all his characteristics. We work on the basis of a multidisciplinary approach, when doctors of different specialties participate in the discussion of patient treatment. This allows us to fight the disease more effectively and successfully. Highly qualified specialists of the chemotherapy are guided with the world’s leading recommendations and standards in their work.

        Radiological Service

We are focused on new approaches to providing the highest level of care. Radiation therapy requires the coordinated work of a multidisciplinary team of doctors, physicists, nurses, technologists, dosimetrists, and engineers. All our employees have significant experience in a successful and effective team of professionals of RCOD MH RT. The use of the latest equipment in radiation therapy makes it possible to achieve success in increasing life, as well as significantly improving its quality. Our radiation therapists conduct treatment sessions in a comfortable environment for the patient and with consistently high results.

Medical assistance to foreigners, temporarily staying or permanently residing in the Russian Federation, is provided at RCOD MH RT in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dd 03/06/2016 No. 186 «On approval of the rules for the provision of medical care to foreigners on the territory of the Russian Federation» …

• foreigners who are insured in accordance with the Federal Law «About Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation» are entitled to free medical care within the compulsory medical insurance;

• medical assistance to foreigners is provided in accordance with contracts for the provision of paid medical services or voluntary medical insurance contracts.

You may check the price list here:

Download Price list

               Contact us: +7 843 233 8679 / 233 8695, e-mail: opu.oncort@mail.ru

Medical services are provided in RCOD MH RT on the basis of the work sheet (list of services) that constitute medical care and specified in the license for medical activities No. LO-16-01-007479 dd 28.03.2019 issued by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan: 420011 Ostrovsky st. 11/6, Kazan tel. +7843 231 7998, fax +7843 238-41-44

Paid medical and non-medical services in RCOD MH RT are provided on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.10.2012 No. 1006 «On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid medical services by medical organizations», Regulations on the procedure and conditions for paid medical services of RCOD MH RT.

The full list of Medical Organizations providing medical tourism services in Russia is available here: https://russiamedtravel.ru/ru/